Thursday, February 24, 2011

Deke's Techniques - Blending Textures Onto A Face - Free Photoshop CS5 Hi-Def Video Tutorial

This week's free Photoshop technique from instructor Deke McClelland takes an ordinary portrait shot and maps two different textures onto the subject create an exotic effect. The process doesn't require any masks, but rather relies solely on advanced blending techniques. Click here to watch the free video tutorial, Blending Textures Onto A Face, in a new window (this is a Hi-Def video which makes it super easy to follow along!). 

Click here to watch the free video tutorial, Blending Textures Onto A Face, in a new window

Illustrator CS5 One-on-One: Advanced - Free Video Clips Using blend modes and layers means your effect can be adjusted to suit your taste with no fear of underlying pixel destruction. And no fear of missing dinner either, since Deke explains it all in just over ten minutes. If you can’t get enough of blending with faces, members should be sure to check out this week’s exclusive members-only video, Rendering a face as a cave painting, in Deke’s Techniques in the Online Training Library.

Deke's Techniques is taught by computer graphics guru Deke McClelland, and presented in his signature step-by-step style. The intent is to reveal how various Photoshop and Illustrator features can be combined and leveraged in real-world examples so that they can be applied to creative projects right away. Click here to see all the free clips from this series at

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Source : photoshopsupport

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